About BCT

What is BCT?

The Business Chinese Test assesses the ability of non-native Chinese speakers to use the Chinese language in business or work environments.  The assessment evaluates the completion of certain language tasks.

It is intended to serve as a reference for companies to select and recruit employees, for schools and training institutions to organize educational activities and for students to evaluate themselves.

Why BCT?

The internationally recognized BCT courses will help expand one’s professional career options. Furthermore, after successfully completing the courses, participants will be able to communicate more effectively with Chinese business partners and prepare for the official BCT exams.

Unlike our HSK courses, BCT focuses completely on the Chinese language in business-related contexts.

When a BCT course is completed, the participant receives a certificate of participation. The BCT certificates can be used to demonstrate your Chinese skills.

After successful completion of the BCT course semi-advanced level (book 3), participants are ready to take the BCT (A) exam. The exam is not included in the course, separate registration is required.

Course information

Our online BCT courses focus on Chinese communication competencies for non-native speakers. In addition to daily social interactions, the course focuses on the application of the Chinese language in a variety of business and career-related situations.

The course is practically structured and emphasizes listening and speaking skills over reading and writing skills.

The course is intended for people with a busy schedule who operate in an international (business) environment that is related to China but may find it difficult to participate in standard classroom-based education.

The BCT courses use three textbooks. Each book consists of 20 units consisting of learning content presented using a modern design. Each unit consists of 3 short dialogues, new vocabulary, a short reading passage, and exercises. At the end of the course, a representative test is offered for evaluation.

The course consists of 20 online lessons of 90 minutes. The course content of the book is worked through step by step on the basis of explanations from the teacher and accompanying presentations. Participants are challenged to immediately apply the learned content.

The first sessions of the BCT Beginners 1 course will consist of a general introduction to the Chinese language and various exercises to familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of Chinese. At the higher levels, the classes will consist of one unit per week.

The following courses are currently offered:

  • BCT Beginners 1: starting at zero level (book 1);
  • BCT Beginners 2: working to semi-advanced level (book 2);
  • BCT Semi-advanced (book 3);

You can register for each course separately.

The characteristics of our BCT course:

  • Emphasis on listening and speaking skills;
  • Authentic application of the language;
  • Richness and diversity of content;
  • Stimulates language use by means of context-oriented exercises;
  • Thematic teaching materials;
  • An online platform where teaching materials are shared;
  • Classes are taught online;

Course duration

10 lessons of 90 minutes each. (Note: there are no lessons offered during school holidays)

Tuition (books included)

Regular € 245,-. (Payment in installments possible)
Student €195,-.
Businesses from Limburg can contact us for a regional business discount.

The BCT books

Our BCT courses use the BCT Standard Course series, which consists of three parts:

BCT Standard Course Book 1

Table of Content

1你好 Hello

2欢迎 Welcome

3我来介绍一下 Let me make a few introductions

4再见 Goodbye

5他是哪国人 Which nationality is he?

6对不起 I’m sorry

7今天星期几 What day is it today?

8现在几点 What time is it?

9几点起床 What time do you get up?

10今天几月几号 What is the date today?

11办公室在五零六房间 The office is on room 506

12什么时候见面 When will we meet?

13请给我打电话 Please give me a call

14坐出租车 Taking a taxi

15坐电梯 Taking an elevator

16洗手间在哪儿 Where is the bathroom?

17在桌子上 On the table

18在餐厅 In the dining room

19在超市 In the supermarket

20订票 Ordering a ticket

BCT Standard Course Book 2

Table of Content

1你好吗 How are you?

2我的同事 My colleague

3我的爱好 My hobbies

4我坐地铁来上班 I go to work by subway

5我们公司在CBD Our company is in the CBD

6明天是晴天 Tomorrow will be sunny

7我生病了 I am sick

8您要留言吗 Would you like to leave a message?

9真不好意思 I am sorry

10您需要帮助吗 Can I help you?

11这是您的日程 This is your schedule

12今天有什么安排 Do you have any plans for today?

13我的计划 My plan

14通知 Notification

15欢迎光临 Welcome

16请派人来修理一下 Please send someone to fix it

17我的工作 My job

18这是我们的新产品 This is our new product

19能帮我一下吗? Could you do me a favour?

20在中国出差 Go to China on a business trip

BCT Standard Course Book 3

Table of Content

1幸会 Nice to meet you

2为了健康 For health

3节日聚会 Party

4他出去了 He went out

5请把门打开 Please open the door

6简历被谁拿走了 Who took the resume?

7手续很简单 A simple procedure

8预定会议中心 Reserve a conference center

9我们是一家大企业 We are a large business

10欢迎您来我们工厂参观 Welcome to our factory

11在市场上销售得很好 It is selling well

12我们开始吧 Here we go

13请您再考虑考虑 Please consider it

14为我们合作成功干杯 A toast to successful cooperation

15七天包退 Return within seven days

16希望这样的问题以后不再发生 Hope this problem will no longer occur

17我们要招聘新员工 Recruiting new employees

18市场调查报告 Market research report

19合同修改好了 Modifying the contract

20祝你一路顺风 Have a pleasant journey

After completing the first book, through the BCT Basic 1 level, you will be able to:

– Make general greetings, express thanks

– Introduce yourself at a first meeting

– Welcome and introduce others to your organization

– Make appointments for meetings, manage calendars

– Make and respond to simple apologies

– Indicate where you are going or where you have been

– Discuss your schedule

– Discuss general work and personal topics

– Ask for directions

– Discuss time and place of a meeting

– Describe your experience in simple words

– Ask for telephone numbers

– Leave a short voice message

– Make transport arrangements, take a taxi

– Inform a driver of your destination

– Explain the office location

– Talk about facilities in the office

– Identify objects in an office

– Order and pay for meals and refreshments in a restaurant

– Express your preferences

– Use a credit card

– Buy supplies in a supermarket

– Ask about opening hours

– Book hotel rooms and plane tickets

After completing the second book, through the BCT Basic 2 level, you will be able to:

– Ask about someone’s experience

– Introduce colleagues

– Describe other people

– Talk about non-work related things such as hobbies

– Give detailed directions to someone asking the way

– Discuss ways of transportation

– Point out direction and location

– Talk about the weather

– Talk about your health and the health of others

– Leave a message for someone

– Apologize, point out, and correct mistakes

– Ask for help in simple words

– Give detailed directions

– Discuss detailed travel and visiting schedules

– Discuss planning details

– Indicate whether something is important or unimportant

– Schedule work and free time

– Send and receive a message

– Make a purchase in a department store or shop

– Ask about products

– Ask for a discount

– Ask for medicine in a pharmacy

– Request repairs to equipment or facilities

– Describe activities

– Make suggestions

– Talk about cause and effect

– Speak about the look, functionality, and quality of a product in simple words

– Reflect on the price of a product in simple words

– Make requests for help

– Talk about (business) gifts

– Exchange money at a bank

– Talk about a working visit to China

After completing the third book, through the BCT Semi-advanced level, you will be able to:

– Introduce yourself and others in greater detail

– Talk about your own and others’ work experience

– Explain a business structure

– State that something is not allowed

– Talk about health and lifestyle

– Explain product sales figures

– Discuss and reflecting on the organization of a festive occasion

– Respond to an invitation, make and respond to requests at work

– Ask for the opinion of colleagues

– Describe work inside and outside the company

– Describe what happens to certain things (transitive)

– Give orders and making requests

– Reflect on problems at work

– Defend your own opinion and reflect on the opinions of others

– Participate in conversations about: the internet, procedures at a bank, payment methods

– Reserve conference space for an event and discuss prices

– Give a short company presentation/introduction

– Have a conversation about advertising and publicity

– Talk about delivery of goods

– Accompany someone or a delegation on a company or factory visit

– Understand email requests about company visits

– Reflect positively and negatively on a company visit

– Explain the quality of a product

– Talk about the content of an advertising brochure and product packaging

– Talk about the sales figures of a product

– Encourage colleagues

– Participate in a business meeting

– Give an opening speech at a business meeting

– Negotiate prices in a meeting, talk about quality and co-operation

– Make small toast speeches at a working lunch or dinner

– Have informal conversations at a working lunch or dinner

– Express gratitude and wishing success for cooperation

– Accept or decline an official invitation

– Make and respond to complaints and concerns

– Ask for a refund

– Speak about the recruitment of new staff, take part in a job interview

– Motivate your job application, indicate your income needs

– Discuss a marketing plan, explain figures in a plan

– Discuss the content of a contract

– Say goodbye, conclude a working visit

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