Confucius Institute Maastricht celebrates second birthday!

Confucius Institute Maastricht opened its doors on the 7th July 2017, as 777. The triple 7 has a special meaning. It is a fortunate number representing the idea of pursuing a dream with a guardian angel. Why the guardian angel? Because we are in Maastricht.  We got the inspiration of the logo of Maastricht, and we’d like to jointly support the people who have a wish of learning the Chinese language and culture.  Indeed, along the way, CIM has experienced guidance and support from our “guardian angels” being the students, clients, supervisors, board members, knowledge advisors.

In the past two years, we have reached out to approximately 200 learners, with ages ranging from 5 to 67 years old. Our authorised HSK test centre on Brusselseweg 150 has also welcomed 49 students from Venlo, Brussel, Lanaken, Maastricht, Eindhoven and Roermond obtaining their certificate after taking the international HSK examination. Thanks to all the efforts of the students and teachers, the passing rate of our HSK test centre is 100%!


Is learning Chinese expensive?
Chinese, as an exclusive trendy language in international business and trade environment, the answer is yes when translated into the invested amount of time involved. Continuous and consistent efforts on language learning are key to success in mastering the Chinese language. CIM understands this; that is why we offer high-quality courses with affordable fees in combination with some nearly free-entrance cultural events.

To ensure the high quality of the courses, we insist on investing in teaching methods and improving the learning environment and approach for our Dutch leaners. We recently organised the 3rd seminar in order to exchange our experiences in Maastricht with other teaching professionals from well-known language centres/schools in Eindhoven, Delft, Leuven, Liege and Brussel.

Thanks to the support from the Province of Limburg, Maastricht Municipality, Hanban China, Dalian Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, we can offer our students a more sustainable way to learn Chinese language and culture courses.


What’s the next?
Different from last year’s new born CI’s ceremony,  this year we celebrated the 2nd birthday of Confucius Institute Maastricht at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences by establishing a new branch in Sittard-Geleen on the 28th June. We will work together with local organisations on innovative programs with the support of Sittard-Geleen Municipality.

The Sittard-Geleen “office” will be an out-going one, in which we focus on “Language + ” courses. For example, language + health, language + leadership, language + travel. We are still at the developing stage. You could discover more about this by clicking on our website or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

In the new coming 3rd year of CI, we will focus more on the HSK and tailor-made course with a applied approach for language and cultural learning, as the old saying of Chinese “学以致用 (Xueyi Zhiyong)” – a profound understanding of the knowledge and applied it in an appropriate situation.

We want to invite you to join us and learn together about our cultures and ourselves.

Best regards
Director Xinxin Wang & Chinese Director Lili Deng