Chinese Bridge language & culture camp in March!

We are excited to announce a fun and interactive language event coming up in March! In order to encourage language learning, our partner university Dongbei University of Finance and Economics DUFE is organizing a special online language & culture camp!

An online language learning experience for students who love Chinese language and culture!

The online language culture camp will start on March 9th, 2021 and ends with a closing ceremony on  March 19th, 2021. On the first day of the Camp, March 9th , our Chinese host partner DUFE will welcome participants with an online campus tour!

During this ten day event you will learn about the Chinese economy, traditional Chinese medicine and tea culture and have live online Chinese language classes. (The full event program you can find below).


Next to your own studies we think this is a great opportunity to experience China. After completing the language & culture camp program, you will also receive a certificate of participation by email.

This camp is free of charge and registrations are now open! You can register via the website or scan the QR-code below to complete your registration.





Event program

日期Date 课程Course
3.9 直播开营式及校园风光

Opening Ceremony and Campus Tour (Live)

3.10 汉语直播课

Chinese Language Course (Live)

3.11 视频课:当代中国经济

Contemporary Chinese Economy (Video)

3.12 汉语直播课

Chinese Course (Live)

3.13 视频课:当代中国

Survey of China (Video)

3.15 汉语直播课

Chinese Course (Live)

3.16 视频课:中国养生

Preserve Health of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Video)

3.17 汉语直播课

Chinese Course (Live)

3.18 视频课:茶艺课

Chinese Tea Culture (Video)

3.19 直播结业式

The Closing Ceremony (Live)